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God Provides

Hi there ... I have a big draft about Great America still waiting for pictures :) Anyway, a lot of things has happened lately and I just want to write a simple reminder for myself.

It was started by a bad news in Friday. As soon as I got home, my husband said he has a bad news for me. Just as we predicted, his bio metric appointment with USCIS is exactly on the week when we will be going to Florida. Of all the weeks .... somehow it just has to be on that one week. I was contemplating on cancelling the trip ... but we had paid a lot for it. We tried to rearrange the schedule with Costco ... but changing the airlines ticket itself will cost us around $800 ... It is a bad news indeed.

With that problem brewing in my mind ... I still need to prepare for finals (paper, presentation, and exam) and worry about graduation. I haven't prepared anything for the graduation! I don't even know what I will be wearing for that day. My husband prepared a pool-side after graduation party, but up until now I don't know how far along is their preparation. I only know my husband is very very very busy nowadays.

So, somehow, after lunch on Sunday, I decided to go shopping since I have 2-3 hours that I could spare. It was a disaster. I was looking for LOFT's $10 T-shirts in the beginning, but ended up dress shopping for graduation. As expected, I made bad purchase decision because I was in such a rush. As soon as I walked out from the store ... regret started growing in my heart. I did not think the dress worth its price. Thankfully, I talked with my BS friends, and they suggested going back there the day after. We actually have bible study meeting on that day, but they graciously offer to do the meeting on the mall instead. Although I already gave up the idea of finding a right dress for graduation, they offered to help me dress shopping.

So on Monday ... amazingly ... Banana Republic was having a happy hour sale from 5-8 PM. Even more amazing, somehow this time they have a lot of MY SIZE petite dresses on SALE. That's really rare. Seriously. Anyway, I ended up purchasing not just one but two pretty dresses at the most amazing prices! =P

Well, this dress problem is just a small thing. However, I really feel that God is showing me that He is working. I still have a lot of problems right now, and learning from this small experience, I just need to start letting go of my worries and surrendering them to God. Even more surprising, can you guess what we learned and discussed in our Bible Study group yesterday?

YEHOVAH JIREH .... God provides :)

Do Not Worry
28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?"

Matthew 6:28-30 (NIV)
